Find Files Fast

Finding the right file you need is painfully long. We are using AI to fix this for you.


Why KnowMan is 10x better

One place

Connect all your files and communication systems

More Granular

Search within files and not just the names of files

Highly accurate

We use advance machine learning algorithms


Seamlessly integrates with these apps

Local Drives
Google Drive Icon

Google Drive
Google Drive Icon

Google Drive Icon

Google Drive Icon

Google Drive Icon


We focus on the technical solutions so you can focus on finding the relevant information quickly.


Built with privacy principles as the foundation


The data we use and store is encrypted. We also closely work with our partners and follow industry standards to ensure we maintain the highest possible levels of security.

Customisable Access

Use KnowMans’s granular security settings to choose and select how your data is scanned by us to ensure highly confidential documents never leave your computer.

Support 24/7

Our dedicated cybersecurity customer support team is available 24/7 to answer any quetions you might have and offer you support with any troubleshooting you might experience.

Everything you access through KnowMan is private, secure, and you retain all ownership. Your privacy will not be sacrificed in the process.
